Monday, December 24, 2012


Most people posted what they were thankful for at Thanksgiving this year. I, however, was feeling a little down this Thanksgiving, and just couldn't bring myself to do it. In light of all the tragedy that has occurred since Thanksgiving, both to strangers & close friends, I feel quite guilty about not being thankful that day. About not being thankful every day.

So, as I sit here this Christmas eve, waiting for my husband to get off work to start our holiday festivities, I am thankful. Truly thankful.

We have a tree. A real Christmas tree. A tree that my husband, my mom, my dad and I drove to pick out especially for us.

On the tree are many beautiful ornaments. Ornaments that my husband and I picked out last year, on our first married Christmas together. A few special ornaments that have been hand-painted and hand made by close friends and family.

Under the tree, there are gifts. Lots of gifts. Gifts that my husband and I have money to pay for. Gifts that I hope will bring a smile to many faces.

Around the tree, tomorrow morning, will be everyone who means the most to me. Mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, mother-in-law, father-in-law, husband, brother & brother's girlfriend and Sophie.

Today, I am thankful. I will not focus on what I don't yet have or what I want. I will be thankful for these things and more.

Merry Christmas Y'all!

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