Livi turned three months old on Wednesday. She has changed a lot since just last month! She no longer spends most of her day sleeping and/or crying. She is awake and alert most of the day, minus a few cat naps. She interacts with people and her surroundings. She swats at toys hanging above her, follows moving things and , my personal favorite, turns her head to the sound of my voice! Every day when I come home from work, I bend down to talk to her and she moves her head until she sees me, then flashes a big smile. Sure makes my heart happy.
She is still eating all breast milk (yay me!) and must be going through a growth spurt because she has been downing milk left and right! We haven't been to the doctor since her two month check up, so I am not sure of her weight, although I'm pretty sure she is close to 11 pounds now. She is still in her 0-3 month clothes, but is going to be too long for her sleepers very soon!
Speaking of sleep, she usually sleeps about 4-5 hrs before waking up for her nighttime feeding. She is pretty good about eating and falling right back asleep, so it typically isn't too painful. Just this week, she has started to roll herself from her back to her side to sleep, which makes me very nervous!
She has discovered her hands, and almost constantly has them in her mouth. She even puts her whole fist in there sometimes. She drools a lot and makes a mess. She also loves to grab our fingers and pull them up to her mouth. She sits in her Bumbo seat for a few minutes at a time, all by herself! She also loves to put weight on her legs and "stand up". She does not like being cradled like a newborn very much, unless she is sleepy. She much prefers to be turned around and watching what is going on around her.
Olivia loves bath time! She loves being sprinkled with water, and often opens her mouth when we squirt it near her face or shoulders. She smiles and laughs and giggles the whole time. After bath time when we are drying her off and getting her ready for bed, she just talks and coos and kicks her sweet long legs. It is another one of my favorite times with her.
A few pics from the day of her big 3 month birthday!
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